Special Projects

Josephus on TEDx Greensboro

As a speaker, committee member and most recently a host. Josephus is very active in TEDx Greensboro and growing the concept of ideas worth sharing.

Remix, Remake, Curate:
Remix, Remake, Curate (#imakesci) is an online educational program for anyone anywhere who wants to make science and make science media with the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, the Tar River Writing Project, and The Poetry Project.

77th National Folk Festival: Greensboro, NC

Black History Month Shows:
Since 2004 Josephus has been creating Black History Programing in the form of stage shows that fuse spoken word poetry, live music and dance.
The concept is to share stories of our past, present and future in a manner that connects to students and community. To avoid the typical stereotypes of what a black history program has to be or include, we combine relevance with history in a way that entertains and captivates the audience.
Check out snippets below:

Reasons 2 Rhyme:
Poetry 4 The People
A collaboration of monthly events that bring poetic events to your city on a monthly basis